We don’t want to just “get together” on Sunday.
We want to walk with one another through life, encouraging, supporting, and loving each other. We want to pursue the heart of Christ in unity as brothers & sisters of the same family.
Commonly Asked Questions
Our denomination Church of God, headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee, United States. We want all to feel welcome and, most importantly, have a saving relationship with God.
Pastor Larry Richardson is the primary speaker unless there is a special guest.
We believe the Holy Spirit flows and we are unafraid to rest in the moments that move us to linger in the presence of God. Our main goal is to ensure that the focus is on Christ alone not the singers, band or songs. We incorporate new and traditional songs into our worship.
CONNECT CARD: In the front of your seat, you will find a connect card. Fill it out and drop it in our offering boxes (located at the back of the sanctuary) or you may give it to someone at our Connect Desk in the Foyer of the Main Lobby.
CONNECT DESK: Stop by in the foyer to talk to one of our “Welcome Team” Members.
PRAYER TEAM: We have prayer teams in front of the stage after each service. If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, your salvation, or would like to pray with someone...these people will be available after every service.
BIBLE STUDIES: We have a variety of studies and groups for all ages to get plugged into LOC. Visit our calendar or various ministries for opportunities to get engaged!
We want you to dress comfortably, to worship in a manner that exalts Jesus and to be surrounded with fellow believers that want to encourage your faith and walk in truth with you.